Jack Blaskovic


Jack joined Rothwell Lawyers at the commencement of 2019, following his admission to the Supreme Court in late 2018. In his four and a half years at RL, Jack has practiced predominantly in Civil / Commercial Litigation and Insolvency across state and federal jurisdictions including appellate level. With a particular focus on insolvency, Jack has acted in a varied range of disputes including on behalf of insolvency practitioners in their roles as liquidators, administrators, receivers and trustees in bankruptcy, as well as for company directors, creditors, debtors and bankrupts. Jack has completed the ARITA Advanced Certification. What sets Jack above his contemporaries is his consistent focus on achieving commercial outcomes for all of our clients and ability to separate emotion from rationality where the occasion calls for it (but except in one specific circumstance mentioned below).

Jack’s fault is that he is a loyal doggies supporter who, without fail and often against his better judgment, never fails to tip them every week (which might explain why he’s usually down the bottom in the office comp). Like most of us, Jack’s spare time is preferably spent with friends and family, eating good food and occasionally drinking good wine (but only on days that end in y). And (re)watching Seinfeld.

At Rothwell Lawyers, we are proud of our reputation for delivering exceptional legal advice, and always focus on achieving the best outcome for our clients.

Contact Info

03 9329 3500
03 9329 3499
Client Reception: Suite 1518, 401 Docklands Drive, Docklands.
Mail and deliveries should be addressed to Suite 1518, 401 Docklands Drive Docklands, VIC 3008

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